Hi, everyone. I am going to talk about four weekend ago. This weekend I am just stayed at home and cooked some food. I cooked hamburger, and fried Udon.

Cooked hamburger it was very easy because you just need green vegetables, tomato, bread, cheese, and beef. First, you decoct the beef. Next you put the cheese on the beef. When the cheese melt on the beef you almost finish. Last thing. Use the bread caught in beef.
About the fried udon it was very easy too! First you need a udon and pork. Next just put in pan wait it...!
Soooo goooood your cooking skill!!! It looks like derisious.. I wanna eat it. Next time I gonna charenge to cook that, and eat!! I love hunberger. If it is easy to cook, I wanna do everyday everytime. Can you tell me how to make other derisious food?
回复删除Let's cook togethere and eat!!!!!