Hi, everyone. I am going to talk about this weekend. I went Downtown a cinema watched a movie. The movie call a "Lucy". It was very nice and I strongly recommend this movie. Fist, it was surprised me because I thought the movie just talk about a woman hero but it wasn't. Actually the movie is talk about anthropology. In fact, how we are become a human. This question it is very difficulty to example because we believe in the world everything is from monoplast. I am so luck I could understand the movie what it was said even they weren't has English captions.
Hi, everyone. I am going to talk about values. This is my opinion from one to ten :
1.A comfortable life
In my opinion a comfortable it is importance because when I have comfortable life I think everything is going to fine. What is my comfortable life? I this in the wolrd everyone friendly it is nice.
2.An exciting life
About exciting life, In my opinion. I love to XSports. XSports the mean is Extreme Sports. Most XSports is about easier to die or injure but someone said you will never fly if you are too scared of the height. You will never live if you are just too scared to die.
3.Developing yourself
How to developing myself to the fullest. I think it is difficult to give an example because all is up to me how to study if I want or not.
4.Economic Stability
Economic stability it is very inproment because when you have a money you can do many thing but not everything you can ues the money to buy.
5.Family unity
This thing I argee it is very improment because when I am family untily my feeling it is best. My mother an farther and family stay togerther.
To me, freedom it is not so improment because I like to stay with my firends. But sometime I need to freedom too.
7.Keeping harmony and balance in your life
Work and fun ues togerthe and don't make your life mess bcause in the world, everything is 50%-50% that is good.
8.Stable and solid relationships
I think stable and solid relationships this is for when you conversation you won't do everything bad. I think this is about your wisdom.
Preson wisdom it is improments because wisdom to make you good decided. You have wisdom you won't make a bad decided.
10.World peace
I love world peace, I hope in the world not any more war and nobody gone to die. This is what I wish.
Last weekend
Hi, everyone. I am going to talk about my last weekend. Last weekend I was finished homework early but I couldn't did. The following reasons in the picture.
Yes! Yes! Yes! But why!!! Every time when I want to do my homework I just think" I got so much time don't worry." Even that I am still finished my homework.
Oh yeah, last Saturday I went to school played basketball. Yes, you see very clear. I played basketball again. Maybe you want to ask me do you have other sports? My answer is NO.
My regrets
Hi, everyone. I am going to talk about my regrets. I had so much regrets but today I am going to talk about my three regrets.
The first, When I was child I didn't like to study. So I couldn't learned to much things. So today the consequence it is I need to study more than other people because they are learning time before longer than me.
The second, I shouldn't smoking because it is hurt my healthy and waste money but now I am try to quit the smoke also I need sometime.
Finally, the last regrets it is I was lost my job. I was work for casino and was training the dealer. I had a lot of experience because this job I can could met so much people also I could conversed to each other. Unfortunately I lost the job because I need to came to Canada to study but I am still very happy I got this job.
Thank you for reading.^^
Last weekend
two weekend ago
Hi, everyone. I am going to talk about two weekend ago. That day was Canada day!
So many people was dance and sing!
Star Wars Empire soldier!
He was check checked his car.
After morning I went to shore side. The duck was soldier form a line and go forward!
At night, I watched the fire work. It was beautiful!
Three weekend ago
four weekend ago
Hi, everyone. I am going to talk about four weekend ago. This weekend I am just stayed at home and cooked some food. I cooked hamburger, and fried Udon.
About the fried udon it was very easy too! First you need a udon and pork. Next just put in pan wait it...!
five weekend ago
Pet peeves

. My dog must be pet peeves of best. When she was a child. She always broken something and she didn't care! I remember one time my shoes all is goone but I didn't know who did. I think the pet peeves because they are just want to paly with you.
My Favorite Celebration

Being Polite

Communication Breakdowns

Making Friends
Hi, everyone. Today I will talk about how to make new friends. Someone came to new city or new school they maybe doesn't have friends. So, how to make new friends it is very important. First, most time someone who can not make new friends because they are very shy. I suggestion if you want to make new friends the first thing is do not be shy. If I am just arrived new school, I will ask some questions for make a new friends. " Where are you come from?" "Do you like play basketball or any sport?" "What is your favorite food?". If you are have same favorite thing, you are will become a good friends or best friends. This situation you can use in if you are newcomer. I am very hope everyone can become friends!
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