Hi, everyone. I am going to talk about how I thoughts about this class. I learned so much things in this class. Our teacher Micheal, his teach way I love because it was made our classmate spoke with each other. I love my classmate. I think this class it make me remember forever. I am wish this class forever.
Hi, Rick. I love this class too. I really enjoyed leaning English in this class. we made good friends. I will not forget this class forever. I hope eveyone in my class will remember the memory in our class.
回复删除Hi,Rick! I love this class too because this class was so fun and easy to follow,
回复删除but we have to leave this class, so sad >.<
I never forget this classmate and Micheal. I want to see them one more.
I shoud study English more and more, so I can speak to them more.
I'll do my best!!
Hi Rick kun!! Thank you for everything in this class and I remember we sometimes play together. It was so fun!! I think you are good English and Japanese speaker!! lol I'll never forget this class. 再見!!